12 Days of Calendars | September

HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | 2015 Calendar | Portland, Oregon Wedding, Food, and Lifestyle photographer


I snapped a quick photo of these sexy pears on a walk through the Manhattan farmers market with my older sister, Chelsey. Aren't the colors pretty? I remember that day well. We had gone to the market to pick up a Thanksgiving turkey she had reserved from a local farm. We carried him in a bag, head and all, all over the city, including a quick jaunt through Forever21 where Chels bought a new dress. When I shop locally for my food, the experience is often part of the reward.

These calendars are the gift that keeps on giving. Support an artist, donate to a good cause, and buy a calendar! To purchase click HERE! For each calendar sold, $5 will be donated to the National Farm to School Network!


12 Days of Calendars | August

HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | 2015 Calendar | Portland, Oregon Wedding, Food, and Lifestyle photographer


I wouldn't be lying if I said eating was on my "top five favorite things to do" list. And on that "favorite things to eat list" might just be cherry tomatoes on the vine, hot from the summer heat,  gushing (bursting!) with warm tomato juice between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. That and warm peach juice dripping down my chin are the epitome of summer.

To purchase a 2015 calendar click HERE! Part of the proceeds from each calendar sold benefit the National Farm to School Network! Do it!

12 Days of Calendars | July

HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | 2015 Calendar | Portland, Oregon Wedding, Food, and Lifestyle photographer


This might be my favorite image in the calendar because of the way it feels. It also reminds me of that personal, human connection we should have to our food. So many of us eat without understanding where our food was grown, who grew it, and how it got to our plate. Maybe I also love this image because of the memory it holds. This is my friend Caitlin, clasping a bouquet of lettuce from the Cottonwood Farm in Dolorous, Colorado. (Hi Tucker and Alison!) It was a hot, dry day and I'd spent hours harvesting produce for the next day's market. We ended the day picking lettuce, garlic, and carrots for our own kitchens. Tired from the day's work, we sat around a picnic table in the dwindling sunlight eating tacos and drinking cocktails. It was that good kind of tired, like getting out of the shower after a long hiking trip; the kind of tired that feels rewarding.  There are still plenty of calendars for sale! To purchase click HERE! Part of the proceeds from each calendar sold benefits the National Farm to School Network! This is an organization that benefits everyone (the farmer, the school, the young minds, and YOU) by spreading information on local food sourcing and food and agriculture education in school systems across the country.
